
Coding JavaScript for Mobile Browsers (part 10) - Event Handling

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5. Event Handling

One of the most frequently used features of JavaScript is event handling, whether we define it inside the HTML document or by using code. Let’s see how mobile browsers work with this way to execute script code.

5.1. Managing events

We can define event handling in scripts using the following methods, browser support for which is listed in Table 22:

  • Using HTML attributes, like onclick="alert('sample')"

  • Using the JavaScript object property, element.onclick = function() {}

  • Using the DOM addEventListener method


Microsoft uses the attachEvent property of the element instead of the DOM addEventListener method in Internet Explorer.

Table 22. Event registration compatibility table
Browser/platformHTML attributeObject propertyaddEventListener
Android browserYesYesYes
Nokia Series 40YesNo before 4.6No before 4.6
BlackBerryYesNo before 4.6No
Internet ExplorerYesNoNo
Motorola Internet BrowserYesNoNo
Opera MobileYesYesYes
Opera MiniYes, with server postback

5.2. Load and unload events

The famous onload event is available for any HTML element, but it is best used in the body element. We’ll test compatibility over different types of elements.

The onunload event is less famous. In theory it should work for every element, but again the most useful usage is applied to the body element (document object) to detect when the user is navigating away from our document.

In modern browsers, the onunload event does not work as we might want (I remember many battles against the onunload event when a new pop-up was opened every time I closed one), and it has been replaced by the nonstandard onbeforeunload. The onbeforeunload event is useful for alerting the user about unfinished work so she doesn’t lose any changes she’s made on the page before going back or browsing to another URL. To do this, it is generally used with a confirm dialog.

Table 23 reports on the compatibility of all of these events across browsers.

Table 23. Load events compatibility table
Browser/platformbody (load)body (unload)body (beforeunload)img (load)
Android browserYesYesYesYes
Nokia Series 40YesNoNoNo before 6th edition
Internet ExplorerYesYesNoYes
Motorola Internet BrowserNoNoNoNo
Opera MobileYesNoNoYes
Opera MiniYesNoNoNo

5.3. Click events

The onclick event is the most-used event on the Web. In mobile sites, we have to test it to see where it can best be used. We know that there are focus-based, touch-based, and cursor-based browsers. The last ones are the simplest for click events: every time the user moves the cursor arrow and then presses FIRE or any other similar key, an onclick event is generated. In focus-based browsers, it is recommended to use the onclick event only in clickable elements, such as links or buttons, because the focus will not be active on other elements (such as div, p, or li elements).


The input type button should be used with care when developing for low-end devices. Some Series 40 devices require a form tag for every input to be rendered, and some Motorola devices use these buttons as submit buttons, so pressing them causes the form to be submitted.

For touch devices, the behavior is simple, too: every touch (finger- or stylus-based) is transferred as a click over the screen. Table 24 reports on how different devices support these events.

Table 24. Click event compatibility table
Android browserYesYesYesYes
Symbian/S60Yes on touch and cursor browsing
Nokia Series 40No before 6th edition
BlackBerryYesNoNo before 4.6No
Internet ExplorerNoNoNoYes
Motorola Internet BrowserYes, they are all converted to buttons
Opera MobileYesYesYesYes
Opera MiniYesYesYesYes


If the user is using a finger to touch the screen, you need to be aware that the click coordinates can change during the touch (depending on how the user presses the screen), and the precision will not be good. Use big areas as clickable ones.

5.3.1. Double tap

On touch devices, if you want to detect a double-tap gesture, you shouldn’t use the nonstandard ondblclick event; in most cases it will not work and it will also fire an onclick. The best solution (also compatible with non-touch devices) is to implement a tap–double tap detection pattern using the following code sample:

var doubletapDeltaTime_ = 700;
var doubletap1Function_ = null;
var doubletap2Function_ = null;
var doubletapTimer = null;

function tap(singleTapFunc, doubleTapFunc) {
if (doubletapTimer==null) {
// First tap, we wait X ms to the second tap
doubletapTimer_ = setTimeout(doubletapTimeout_, doubletapDeltaTime_);
doubletap1Function_ = singleTapFunc;
doubletap2Function_ = doubleTapFunc;
} else {
// Second tap
doubletapTimer_ = null;

function doubletapTimeout() {
// Wait for second tap timeout
doubleTapTimer_ = null;

We can use the previous library like this:
<img src="bigbutton.png" onclick="tap(tapOnce, tapTwice)" />

supposing tapOnce and tapTwice are two previously declared global functions.


In general, in a nonclickable element no events will be generated, while in clickable elements events are fired in the order onmouseover, onmousedown, onmouseup, onclick.

Alternatively, we can use it from JavaScript as follows:

element.onclick = function() {
function() {
// This is the code for the first tap
function() {
// This is the code for the second tap


Remember that implementing touch and hold (or long press) handling can cause problems in some touch browsers because the browser is already capturing this event for contextual menus. You can only apply it in text blocks with user-selectable disabled.

5.3.2. Touch and multitouch events

Safari as of iOS 2.0 has multitouch support. The user can touch the screen with up to five fingers at the same time (11 fingers on the iPad) and the JavaScript code will receive the event for this. For multitouch detection, we should not use the standard onclick event. Instead, we should replace it with the following nonstandard events:

  • ontouchstart

  • ontouchmove

  • ontouchend

  • ontouchcancel


The Android browser also supports these touch events, but the multitouch support depends on the hardware and software implementation.

When we capture these events, we will receive them both for single touches and multitouches. Every time the user presses a finger on the screen, ontouchstart will be executed; if she moves one or more fingers, ontouchmove will be the event to capture; and when the user removes her fingers, ontouchend will be fired. What about ontouchcancel? A touch cancel event is executed if any external event with more priority than our website (e.g., an alert window, an incoming call, or a push notification) cancels the operation.


If you are creating a game, a drawing application, or some other solution capturing touches, it is very important to remember the ontouchcancel event and to pause or stop the touch behavior when this event fires.

The four multitouch events receive the same event object (TouchEvent) as a parameter. It contains a touches array representing the coordinates of each touch on the page; each array element is an object with pageX and pageY properties. If the device is not multitouch-enabled, you will receive an array of only one element.

A typical scenario, then, will be:



A touch sequence begins with the first finger and ends with the last finger. The touch events will be delivered to the same object that received the ontouchstart, no matter where the current touches are located.

The first thing we may want to do in all events is to cancel the default behavior of Safari for the gesture the user is doing. This can be done with the TouchEvent parameter:


The TouchEvent object supports the array collections shown in Table 25.

Table 25. TouchEvent collections
TouchEvent attributeDescription
touchesAll the touches actually on the screen
targetTouchesOnly the touches inside the target element of the event
changedTouchesOnly the touches that changed since the last event call (useful in ontouchmove and ontouchend or to filter only new or removed touches)

When the user lifts a finger from the screen, that touch will be available in changedTouches but not in the other collections. In Android, the removed touch is also available in the touches collection.

Every Touch object has the properties outlined in Table 26.

Table 26. Properties of the Touch object
Touch attributeDescription
clientX, clientYTouch coordinates relative to the viewport
screenX, screenYTouch coordinates relative to the screen
pageX, pageYTouch coordinates relative to the whole page, including the scroll position
identifierA number for identifying the touch between event calls
targetThe original HTML element where the event was originated

The following sample will show a blue 20px circle below each finger touching the screen:

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>iPhone Multitouch</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0;
maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">
<style type="text/css">
.point {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
position: absolute;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
background-color: blue;

<script type="text/javascript">
function touch(event) {
for (var i=0; i<event.touches.length; i++) {
var top = event.touches[i].pageY-10;
var left = event.touches[i].pageX-10;
var html = "<div class='point' style='left: " + left +
"px ; top: " + top + "px'></div>";

document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += html;

function clean() {
document.getElementById("container").innerHTML = "";




<div ontouchstart="touch(event)" ontouchend="clean()" id="container"
style="background-color:red; width: 300px; height: 300px">



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